2024-2025 Ticket Sales Information
Current Season Ticket Holders Only
Current Season Ticket holders can purchase the 2024-2025 Season Tickets directly from the box office only from March 18-26, 2024. You can contact them in person, or by telephone at 941-426-8479 or 866-406-7722.
Season Tickets Available to All
Tickets can be purchased March 27 - April 3, 2024 in Person, Online or by telephone.
Individual Ticket Purchases
Individual tickets are available for purchase beginning April 4, 2024. Tickets may be purchased online throughout the summer months. Individual ticket price $15.00 (plus ticketing fees)..
Box Office: 941-426-8479 or 866-406-7722
The 2024-2025 Concert Season
All 6 Concert Band concerts
15% discount when you buy tickets for all 6 concerts. $76.50 (plus ticket fees)
January, February & March concerts
15% discount when you buy tickets for the January, February and March concerts. $40.50 (plus ticket fees)

Sunday, Nov. 3, 2024 ~ 3pm
Home of the Free Because of the Brave
Join us as we celebrate and thank veterans of all military branches. This afternoon, we will perform patriotic music which will resonate throughout the PAC salute the veterans who made sacrifices so that we may have our freedom.

Sunday, Dec. 15, 2024 ~ 3pm
A Few of My Favorite Things
The band will celebrate the holiday season with a few of our favorite holiday selections. You may even find yourself singing along as we bring the holiday joy to you and your family. We guarantee an exciting beginning and end to this concert….one you have experienced before.

Sunday, Jan. 19, 2025 ~ 3pm
Concert Band's Got Talent!
Yes, the North Port Concert Band does have talent and this concert will be one for the record books. You will be the first to see and hear the talented musicians of the band as we feature many of our bandsmen performing music selections from many composers. Join us as we salute our members.

Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025 ~ 3pm
An Ultimate Musical Experience
Come along with us as we explore music from all over the world. Enjoy the voyage as we explore the works of famous composers and listen to some of the most loved musical compositions.

Sunday, Mar. 23, 2025 ~ 3pm
An American Road Trip
Fasten your seat belts as we share with you an American road trip of our great country. We will travel from city to city and state to state and share some of the music made famous in these areas. We will go east, west, north, and south and bring you to your feet as you listen to these wonderful music selections.

Sunday, Apr. 27, 2025 ~ 3pm
We Love Our Golden Oldies
As our season comes to a close, we invite you to our spring dance which will be filled with music from the rock and roll era. Put on your dancing shoes, as we perform music from the 50s and 60s. This afternoon’s concert will be one you won’t forget and will be asking for more.
The Performing Arts Center (PAC)

Tickets to North Port Concert Band performances can be purchased through the Performing Arts Center (PAC) Box Office which is located at 6400 W. Price Blvd., North Port, Florida. Please call the Box Office at 941-426-8479 or 1-866-406-7722 for outside the local area. Box Office hours are from 10 am until 1 pm, Monday through Friday.
Through the generosity of the Selby Foundation, the North Port Performing Arts Center (PAC) now has a Hearing Loop, which is the only system that sends the voices of performers on stage directly from the microphone into a hearing aid worn by anyone in the audience that has a T-Coil. Most hearing aids come equipped with a T-Coil that must be activated. It is recommended that you consult your audiologist to confirm it has been activated and to learn how to access it.
Please note: the Hearing Loop is NOT available in the balcony. Please select your seats accordingly.